Practical information

Surrounding hotels

- 1- The town hall of Triel sur Seine, thanks to the Mayor and his municipal team, has always supported the associations involved in the life of the town of Triel-sur-Seine.

    Thus, the "La Coupe Lumière" festival will take place at the Octave Mirbeau theater, and the 4th prize will be the "Medal of the city of Triel sur Seine".

- 2 - CLIC Triel, the photo club of Triel-sur-Seine, is one of the oldest associations in the city.

- 3 - This "JEU" sculpture was created by Max Le Verrier, in Paris, during the Art Deco period (1925-1935).

    This reproduction of "JEU" from the "Dancers" collection has been accepted by the descendants and beneficiaries to appear as a symbol of "La Coupe Lumière".

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